Source code for bioblend.galaxy.datasets

Contains possible interactions with the Galaxy Datasets

import logging
import os
import shlex
import warnings
from typing import (

from requests import Response

from bioblend import (
from bioblend.galaxy.client import Client

    from bioblend.galaxy import GalaxyInstance

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

HdaLdda = Literal["hda", "ldda"]
TERMINAL_STATES = {"ok", "empty", "error", "discarded", "failed_metadata"}
# Non-terminal states are: 'new', 'upload', 'queued', 'running', 'paused', 'setting_metadata'

[docs] class DatasetClient(Client): gi: "GalaxyInstance" module = "datasets" def __init__(self, galaxy_instance: "GalaxyInstance") -> None: super().__init__(galaxy_instance)
[docs] def show_dataset(self, dataset_id: str, hda_ldda: HdaLdda = "hda") -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get details about a given dataset. This can be a history or a library dataset. :type dataset_id: str :param dataset_id: Encoded dataset ID :type hda_ldda: str :param hda_ldda: Whether to show a history dataset ('hda' - the default) or library dataset ('ldda'). :rtype: dict :return: Information about the HDA or LDDA """ params = { "hda_ldda": hda_ldda, } return self._get(id=dataset_id, params=params)
def _initiate_download( self, dataset_id: str, stream_content: bool, require_ok_state: bool = True, maxwait: float = 12000 ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], str, Response]: dataset = self.wait_for_dataset(dataset_id, maxwait=maxwait, check=False) if not dataset["state"] == "ok": message = f"Dataset state is not 'ok'. Dataset id: {dataset_id}, current state: {dataset['state']}" if require_ok_state: raise DatasetStateException(message) else: warnings.warn(message, DatasetStateWarning, stacklevel=2) file_ext = dataset.get("file_ext") # Resort to 'data' when Galaxy returns an empty or temporary extension if not file_ext or file_ext == "auto" or file_ext == "_sniff_": file_ext = "data" # The preferred download URL is # '/api/histories/<history_id>/contents/<dataset_id>/display?to_ext=<dataset_ext>' # since the old URL: # '/dataset/<dataset_id>/display?to_ext=<dataset_ext>' # does not work when using REMOTE_USER with access disabled to # everything but /api without auth download_url = dataset["download_url"] + "?to_ext=" + file_ext url = f"{}{download_url}" r =, stream=stream_content) r.raise_for_status() return dataset, file_ext, r @overload def download_dataset( self, dataset_id: str, file_path: None = None, use_default_filename: bool = True, require_ok_state: bool = True, maxwait: float = 12000, ) -> bytes: ... @overload def download_dataset( self, dataset_id: str, file_path: str, use_default_filename: bool = True, require_ok_state: bool = True, maxwait: float = 12000, ) -> str: ...
[docs] def download_dataset( self, dataset_id: str, file_path: Optional[str] = None, use_default_filename: bool = True, require_ok_state: bool = True, maxwait: float = 12000, ) -> Union[bytes, str]: """ Download a dataset to file or in memory. If the dataset state is not 'ok', a ``DatasetStateException`` will be thrown, unless ``require_ok_state=False``. :type dataset_id: str :param dataset_id: Encoded dataset ID :type file_path: str :param file_path: If this argument is provided, the dataset will be streamed to disk at that path (should be a directory if ``use_default_filename=True``). If the file_path argument is not provided, the dataset content is loaded into memory and returned by the method (Memory consumption may be heavy as the entire file will be in memory). :type use_default_filename: bool :param use_default_filename: If ``True``, the exported file will be saved as ``file_path/%s``, where ``%s`` is the dataset name. If ``False``, ``file_path`` is assumed to contain the full file path including the filename. :type require_ok_state: bool :param require_ok_state: If ``False``, datasets will be downloaded even if not in an 'ok' state, issuing a ``DatasetStateWarning`` rather than raising a ``DatasetStateException``. :type maxwait: float :param maxwait: Total time (in seconds) to wait for the dataset state to become terminal. After this time, a ``TimeoutException`` will be raised. :rtype: bytes or str :return: If a ``file_path`` argument is not provided, returns the file content. Otherwise returns the local path of the downloaded file. """ dataset, file_ext, r = self._initiate_download( dataset_id, stream_content=file_path is not None, require_ok_state=require_ok_state, maxwait=maxwait ) if file_path is None: if "content-length" in r.headers and len(r.content) != int(r.headers["content-length"]): log.warning( "Transferred content size does not match content-length header (%s != %s)", len(r.content), r.headers["content-length"], ) return r.content else: if use_default_filename: # Build a useable filename filename = dataset["name"] + "." + file_ext # Now try to get a better filename from the response headers # We expect tokens 'filename' '=' to be followed by the quoted filename if "content-disposition" in r.headers: tokens = list(shlex.shlex(r.headers["content-disposition"], posix=True)) try: header_filepath = tokens[tokens.index("filename") + 2] filename = os.path.basename(header_filepath) except (ValueError, IndexError): pass file_local_path = os.path.join(file_path, filename) else: file_local_path = file_path with open(file_local_path, "wb") as fp: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=CHUNK_SIZE): if chunk: fp.write(chunk) # Return location file was saved to return file_local_path
[docs] def get_datasets( self, limit: int = 500, offset: int = 0, name: Optional[str] = None, extension: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, state: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, visible: Optional[bool] = None, deleted: Optional[bool] = None, purged: Optional[bool] = None, tool_id: Optional[str] = None, tag: Optional[str] = None, history_id: Optional[str] = None, create_time_min: Optional[str] = None, create_time_max: Optional[str] = None, update_time_min: Optional[str] = None, update_time_max: Optional[str] = None, order: str = "create_time-dsc", ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get the latest datasets, or select another subset by specifying optional arguments for filtering (e.g. a history ID). Since the number of datasets may be very large, ``limit`` and ``offset`` parameters are required to specify the desired range. If the user is an admin, this will return datasets for all the users, otherwise only for the current user. :type limit: int :param limit: Maximum number of datasets to return. :type offset: int :param offset: Return datasets starting from this specified position. For example, if ``limit`` is set to 100 and ``offset`` to 200, datasets 200-299 will be returned. :type name: str :param name: Dataset name to filter on. :type extension: str or list of str :param extension: Dataset extension (or list of extensions) to filter on. :type state: str or list of str :param state: Dataset state (or list of states) to filter on. :type visible: bool :param visible: Optionally filter datasets by their ``visible`` attribute. :type deleted: bool :param deleted: Optionally filter datasets by their ``deleted`` attribute. :type purged: bool :param purged: Optionally filter datasets by their ``purged`` attribute. :type tool_id: str :param tool_id: Tool ID to filter on. :type tag: str :param tag: Dataset tag to filter on. :type history_id: str :param history_id: Encoded history ID to filter on. :type create_time_min: str :param create_time_min: Show only datasets created after the provided time and date, which should be formatted as ``YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MM-SS``. :type create_time_max: str :param create_time_max: Show only datasets created before the provided time and date, which should be formatted as ``YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MM-SS``. :type update_time_min: str :param update_time_min: Show only datasets last updated after the provided time and date, which should be formatted as ``YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MM-SS``. :type update_time_max: str :param update_time_max: Show only datasets last updated before the provided time and date, which should be formatted as ``YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MM-SS``. :type order: str :param order: One or more of the following attributes for ordering datasets: ``create_time`` (default), ``extension``, ``hid``, ``history_id``, ``name``, ``update_time``. Optionally, ``-asc`` or ``-dsc`` (default) can be appended for ascending and descending order respectively. Multiple attributes can be stacked as a comma-separated list of values, e.g. ``create_time-asc,hid-dsc``. :rtype: list :param: A list of datasets """ params: Dict[str, Any] = { "limit": limit, "offset": offset, "order": order, } if history_id: params["history_id"] = history_id q: List[str] = [] qv = [] if name: q.append("name") qv.append(name) if state: op, val = self._param_to_filter(state) q.append(f"state-{op}") qv.append(val) if extension: op, val = self._param_to_filter(extension) q.append(f"extension-{op}") qv.append(val) if visible is not None: q.append("visible") qv.append(str(visible)) if deleted is not None: q.append("deleted") qv.append(str(deleted)) if purged is not None: q.append("purged") qv.append(str(purged)) if tool_id is not None: q.append("tool_id") qv.append(str(tool_id)) if tag is not None: q.append("tag") qv.append(str(tag)) if create_time_min: q.append("create_time-ge") qv.append(create_time_min) if create_time_max: q.append("create_time-le") qv.append(create_time_max) if update_time_min: q.append("update_time-ge") qv.append(update_time_min) if update_time_max: q.append("update_time-le") qv.append(update_time_max) params["q"] = q params["qv"] = qv return self._get(params=params)
def _param_to_filter(self, param: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Tuple[str, str]: if isinstance(param, str): return "eq", param if isinstance(param, list): if len(param) == 1: return "eq", param.pop() return "in", ",".join(param) raise Exception("Filter param is not of type ``str`` or ``list``")
[docs] def publish_dataset(self, dataset_id: str, published: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Make a dataset publicly available or private. For more fine-grained control (assigning different permissions to specific roles), use the ``update_permissions()`` method. :type dataset_id: str :param dataset_id: dataset ID :type published: bool :param published: Whether to make the dataset published (``True``) or private (``False``). :rtype: dict :return: Details of the updated dataset .. note:: This method works only on Galaxy 19.05 or later. """ payload: Dict[str, Any] = {"action": "remove_restrictions" if published else "make_private"} url = self._make_url(dataset_id) + "/permissions" return, payload=payload)
[docs] def update_permissions( self, dataset_id: str, access_ids: Optional[list] = None, manage_ids: Optional[list] = None, modify_ids: Optional[list] = None, ) -> dict: """ Set access, manage or modify permissions for a dataset to a list of roles. :type dataset_id: str :param dataset_id: dataset ID :type access_ids: list :param access_ids: role IDs which should have access permissions for the dataset. :type manage_ids: list :param manage_ids: role IDs which should have manage permissions for the dataset. :type modify_ids: list :param modify_ids: role IDs which should have modify permissions for the dataset. :rtype: dict :return: Current roles for all available permission types. .. note:: This method works only on Galaxy 19.05 or later. """ payload: Dict[str, Any] = {"action": "set_permissions"} if access_ids: payload["access"] = access_ids if manage_ids: payload["manage"] = manage_ids if modify_ids: payload["modify"] = modify_ids url = self._make_url(dataset_id) + "/permissions" return, payload=payload)
[docs] def wait_for_dataset( self, dataset_id: str, maxwait: float = 12000, interval: float = 3, check: bool = True ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Wait until a dataset is in a terminal state. :type dataset_id: str :param dataset_id: dataset ID :type maxwait: float :param maxwait: Total time (in seconds) to wait for the dataset state to become terminal. After this time, a ``TimeoutException`` will be raised. :type interval: float :param interval: Time (in seconds) to wait between 2 consecutive checks. :type check: bool :param check: Whether to check if the dataset terminal state is 'ok'. :rtype: dict :return: Details of the given dataset. """ def check_and_get_dataset() -> Dict[str, Any]: dataset = self.show_dataset(dataset_id) state = dataset["state"] if state in TERMINAL_STATES: if check and state != "ok": raise Exception(f"Dataset {dataset_id} is in terminal state {state}") return dataset raise NotReady(f"Dataset {dataset_id} is in non-terminal state {state}") return wait_on(check_and_get_dataset, maxwait=maxwait, interval=interval)
[docs] class DatasetStateException(Exception): pass
[docs] class DatasetStateWarning(UserWarning): pass
# Unused, just for backward compatibility DatasetTimeoutException = TimeoutException